Sell pool:
As an example, suppose you plan to exit a position with a certain collection and you wish to sell 10 NFTs on the floor. Of course, you might be able to list them in bulk at the floor price and hope they are swept. This may result in potentially tanking the floor price of the collection you are exiting as well. In addition, you could list each NFT separately at a different price up the curve: one at the bottom, one slightly higher, and so on until you have listed all 10 NFTs.
Consider what would happen if the floor price of that collection dropped. Your entire system would have to be adjusted, NFT by NFT. However, Ecoswap allows you to create a selling pool with those 10 NFTs and have it set so that the price increases automatically by y% or +x SOL each time an NFT is purchased from the pool. You would only need to adjust one parameter, which is your pool's floor price, if the floor price drops.
Buy pool:
That's a big problem that exists right now! Suppose you would like to purchase 10 NFTs from a collection, but you believe the floor is overpriced or something of the sort, and you have your own offer. However, you do not have a place where you can make your offers, and creating orders is a long way away. Don't worry, we take care of everyone in this space. You select the collection you wish to purchase, the starting price of your offer, the number of NFTs you wish to purchase, and the delta. (Instead of increasing, the delta for buying orders will decrease from the starting price, so you get the most favorable deal possible.) After that, you simply create the pool and voila! Your order will be triggered whenever the pool meets the criteria for a selling pool or when someone is interested in trading with you. It's that simple! This helps sellers find instant swap options for them and buyers get the most advantageous deals for themselves.
Liquidity pool:
Now comes the most exciting part. Have you ever imagined making money from your existing Near and NFTs? You can use your assets to create your own marketplace and earn money while you sleep! Letโs see how it works. Liquidity providers may choose how many NFTs to include in the pool and the required NEAR. Consider the scenario in which you have 10 MonkeONear NFTs with which you wish to create your liquidity pool. In this case, you would add 10 Monkes and the required amount of NEAR to your pool and select the metrics such as starting price, delta, and fees. From now on, whenever someone makes a successful sale from your liquidity pool, you will receive the fees you selected. You can maintain your pool and generate the yield you used to receive from your daily marketplaces by using the buy and sell orders.
What are the key metrics?
Staring price (SP): Whenever you create a pool, the starting price is the price you select for the first order. For ex. You made a buy pool of 10 Monkes with SP of 50N, then the first Monke will be bought for 50N and then the price will change according to delta.
Delta: Delta is the metric used here to define the price change after a successful trade. For ex. You created a buy pool of 10 Monkes with SP of 50N and 1N delta. Here, the first Monke will be bought for 50N, then the next one for 49N, then 48N and so on. For buying pools delta decreases and for selling pool delta increases.
Liquidity pool (LP): LPs work the same way as crypto coins: you select a coin and deposit the required amount of stable/other coins, then you start earning yield. It's the same situation here, you earn the fee you selected when someone swaps NFTs from your Pool. Thus, you're helping sellers get instant liquidity and making money from fees by helping them.
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